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Please Read

Before viewing the online labs, open the Lab Report (see link below) in Microsoft Word or other compatible program.  Be sure you have completed all the data for each section before moving to the next section.

Complete all sections of the lab.  

When you have completed this lab, submit your Lab Report as instructed in your course syllabus. Your instructor will check your lab and, if satisfactory, will provide the password to take the Lab Quiz. If you have any questions, please email your instructor. 


Section 1 : Purpose of the Microscope

Section 2 : Compound Microscope

Section 3 : Viewing Microscope Slides

Section 4 : Depth of Focus

Section 5 : Microscopic Measurement

Section 6 : Cells

Section 7 : Prokaryotic Cells

Section 8 : Eukaryotic Cells


Lab Report


Openstax Biology Chapter 4: Cell Structure